How Can Someone with Mild COvid-19 Symptoms Best Recover?

Best practices for getting over coronavirus symptoms:

  • Health focused mindset: It is important to think about what you can do everyday to support your mind and body. Making sure to be hydrated, eating nutritious foods, getting sleep, limiting electronics, and visualizing yourself getting better and when you will be healthy and strong. Do not focus on the  negativity, watching too much of the news is a point of stress and stress is not your friend. 

  • Time and expectation: Give yourself the time to heal, there is often an attitude that we have to recover fast, get back to work and be productive. When we do this, we put strain on ourselves and diminish our life force (qi).

  • Sleep: One of the best ways to boost immunity is to get quality sleep. It is during sleep that we are able to regenerate and heal. We also produce cytokines, a  protein that targets infection and inflammation, effectively creating an immune response. Long term  sleep problems are associated with many chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and pain. 

  • Drink Tea as well as water! Both green and black teas (Camellia Sinensis family) have shown to have natural anit-microbial and antiviral properties . The antioxidants in black help prevent stomach cancers and have a direct bactericidal effect against Streptococcus mutans. The throat is the gateway for bacteria and viruses to enter the body so Tea is what the doctor ordered.

  • Ginger, tumeric and Raw honey have known antioxidant and antibacterial properties that boost the immune system as well as help maintain good digestion.

  • Taking Probiotics and Pre-biotics to help keep your digestion and immune system in balance. Studies show microbes in the gut play a role in immune and autoimmune homeostasis.The gut is also important for emotional resilience.There is a brain gut connection with over 90% of serotonin being produced in the digestive tract. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine: herbs, acupuncture, bodywork and moxibustion. The methods used by China to contain the coronavirus included TCM. Work with a practitioner to help with herbal remedies and acupuncture or acupressure that can help you with prevention, treatment and recovery. 

  • Food is medicine: your body is in a tremendous battle and it is important to replenish nutrients and help stabilize your body so you don’t get hit with another illness. Incorporate superfoods into your diet. Superfoods such as dark vegetables, mushrooms, berries, avocado, nuts and seeds and more. These are also nutrient dense and have health benefits beyond their nutrients.

  • Rice Congee: Traditional Chinese Medicine home remedy. This is a type of diluted porridge made from rice. It is made by cooking 1 part rice to 6 to  8 parts of water. The rice is cooked by bringing to a boil then simmer until it disintegrates and you have a thin gruel, soup or porridge approximately 2-4 hours. This is a base congee, in which you can add a hard boiled egg or pickled vegetables and even some herbs like astragalus for more immune boosting and medicinal purposes.

    • By cooking the rice for a long time it is easy to digest after your body has been battling the virus and gives your body nutrition to absorb and speed recovery. 

  • Music: Studies show classical music had an effect of modulating the immune response by increasing the activity of natural killer cells, lymphocytes and interferon-γ. 

  • Gratitude: it is important to be grateful that you are in the recovery stage and not fall into a depressive mode. Gratitude is also shown to support immune function.

    • Connection: Loneliness is on the rise and with isolation your mental health is already challenged, it is important to know you are not alone. If you are sick with Covid-19 it can be a life or death situation so connect with trusted people and let them know that you are sick, create a buddy system. Allow them to help you, and whether it be sending groceries or walking your dog. 

      #healing #runnynose #coldflu #pediatricmedicine #homeremedies #lonelinesscure #healthyholiday #healthpractices #chickensoup