The Spiritual Meaning of the Tiger in Chinese Astrology
/The Tiger is one of the two most powerful animals in Chinese mythology and Astrology/ Zodiac.
Tiger and her cub. A tiger mom is a fierce protector of her children.
Mythology and folklore recognizes the majestic tiger as the King of the beasts in the Earth Kingdom. While the Tiger is the ruler on Earth the Dragon is ruler of the sky and heavens. The Dragon is the other most powerful creature in Chinese mythology and astrology.
Considered a ruler, symbolizing power, big hearted, tenacity, strength. It is a great protector scaring away evil spirits and devouring evil “men”.
Stripes on the head of a Tiger look like the Chinese character for King 王 Wáng.
The Tiger is also a form of Kung fu/Martial arts that uses techniques such as fists and tiger claws grappling and pouncing movements as part of its style. It is channeling the spirit energy of the Tiger.
The Tiger is also used to describe certain herbal formulas such as White Tiger Decoction called Bai Hu Tang or Five-Tiger Decoction Wu Hu Tang, but do not contain any Tiger parts. It describes the strength of the formula to clear evil Qi of illness that is acute high fever, sweating and irritability.
Tiger bone was an ingredient used in certain herbal formulas for rheumatoid arthritis and other deep and chronic joint diseases. Because Tigers are a protected animal, scientists have developed a bionic tiger bone powder to ethically study its healing properties. Bionic tiger bone powder shows it to be anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-osteoporotic.
Astrology is one of eight branches of 8 Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Massage, Martial Arts/Exercise, Food, Meditation, Feng Shui & Astrology. Find out your Chinese Zodiac here.
Each zodiac sign has Yin & Yang aspects, organ and meridian associations as well as connection to 5 elements.
The Tiger is one of the 12 animal signs of the Chinese zodiac.
Chinese Zodiac: is composed of 12 animal Zodiacs that follow a lunar calendar year in a 12 year cycle, that are paired with one of the 5 elements (Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire). The 12 year cycle follows Jupiter’s orbit around the sun which takes about 11.8 years.
As each lunar year arrives there will be an elemental cycle that rotates, 5 cycles of 12 = 60 years and then the cycle begins again for each sign.
This year 2022 is the element of Water and the Zodiac sign is Tiger, therefore it is a Water Tiger Year.
Water is the element of Yin. Water is a powerful force in nature that can be destructive as floods and tidal waves and nurtures all of life. It has great transformative properties and can take the form of solid, liquid and gas allowing it to adapt and move. 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water and the human body is over 60% water, water is part of our physical and biological nature.
Water represents Yin, the dark, cool and feminine, stillness. In Chinese medicine the water element is related to the Bladder and Kidney (Organ & Meridian system).
Predictions for the New Year “Be Like Water”, go with the flow, don’t fight against the currents, because it will drain your kidney essence and life force “Qi”.
The “Qi” of the Kidney essence is called Jing. Over work and stress drains Kidney essence , this is akin to the adrenals that sit on top of the kidneys.
Tiger Zodiac character: is considered more Yang than Yin. Courageous, bold and action oriented. Ready to leap into action and take control of a situation. They are goal oriented and single minded with getting what they want. Once they pounce and spring into action, it can be a battle till the end flying fur, teeth and claws all in!
Tiger’s are very protective of their children, hence the term “Tiger Mom” she will advocate and demand excellence all around, this is not always a great quality.
Too much of Tiger energy can be draining and lead to adrenal exhaustion.
This year It will be important to balance the impetuous nature and Yang energy of the Tiger with the Yin of Water. This is especially important when making big decisions about life and career. Look before leaping into a turbulent “sea”.
If you would like to learn more about your Health Focus for 2022 according to the Chinese New Year of the Tiger, you can take this quiz:
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