Your Best Health Practices According to the The Chinese Zodiac Year of the Snake 2025

For over 3,000 years the Chinese Zodiac calendar has been used to predict the future of health and prosperity. We continue to love looking to the stars for answers and guidance! 
The Chinese New Year will begin on January 29, 2025. For those born after January 29th, the Zodiac year will be of the Snake and the element is Wood

Therefore it will be the year of the “Wood-Snake”.

The two parts that make up the zodiac need to find harmony and balance. Understanding the nature of these forces and influences will help you navigate a prosperous New Year.

The Wood element will have a powerful influence on ALL zodiac signs, along with Year of the Snake characteristics.

The Snake zodiac has a fixed element of the Fire element and embodies those characteristics of Yang such as shedding skin or burning away the old self and transforming to something new.

In the 5 elements cycle, Wood is the Mother of Fire Therefore, Zodiac signs with the fixed element of Fire will feel power with their endeavors. Looking at  health, wellness and abundance in the Year of the Wood Snake:

Wood is an element associated with Yang. It is the energy of Spring with upward movement of growth and reaching towards the light while at the same time deepening roots into the soil. 

Through the leaves  trees use light energy to exchange carbon dioxide in the air to the oxygen we breathe and the root system reaches deep into the soil to absorb water allowing it to grow and expand. 

If there is not enough moisture trees die and the wood fuel fires, or rots and is reabsorbed into the earth.

Wood element in Chinese medicine is known as Shao Yang;  “lesser Yang ''. It describes the movement of Qi in the body for diagnosing stages of health or illness.  It is the transition of movement between external (Yang) and internal (Yin) and vice versa.  Consider a Liver detox

The Wood element is associated with the Liver and Gallbladder (Organ & Meridian system) which is planning and execution.  Wood is responsible for the smooth flow of qi and blood. When emotions are out of balance, the Qi is not flowing and there is stagnation. Treating our “Wood” will help move energy, supporting calm and flexibility in our thinking and offer perspective. If left untreated, the results are irritability, anger and poor decision making.

Our ability to transition, change direction and grow,  such is the movement of Spring.  Wood is a sign of life and vibrancy. 

Snake Zodiac: has the fixed element of Fire while as an animal it is considered Yin, demonstrating the Yin and Yang balance within a Zodiac sign.  

The Snake is both feared and revered, known for its healing and transformation symbolizing immortality, its ability to shed its skin, and be transformed anew.  We can use this as the overarching theme of 2025, shedding old paradigms and beliefs that keep us stuck. The element of Wood can provide Yang energy for growth, and firm roots for stability.  This is an opportunity for awakening kundalini energy, spiritual and inner transformation.   

To find out how the year of the Wood Snake will impact your Zodiac Sign take the Quiz here.

Focusing inward,  cultivating body mind awareness, empathy and intuitive psychic ability. 

Snakes move with their belly on the earth, therefore, their nature is considered Yin. Though their fixed element of fire is their ability to shed their skin “burning away” the old to transform.  

Quiet, charming, graceful, for the most part they like to live in peace.  Snakes are highly intelligent and wise, they can take in information whole, then “digest it over time.” They have the ability to sense what is happening around them and make new plans to avoid problems. 

Snake Medicine

The snake is the symbol of medicine and immortality.

In the Greek tradition, the snake symbolizes medicine (Asclepius) and in many cultures is associated with healing knowledge. 

In TCM, shedded skin of the snake is used in certain herbal formulas for skin conditions as well as more serious nervous system conditions.  

Snakes are masters of conservation of energy. They exert effort only when necessary and take advantage of the conditions of their environment, such as warming their body with the heat of the sun and slowing their metabolism in the cold. Snakes can be brilliant, healers, as well as artistic, and creative. 

Summary:  Snakes are natural empaths and have the ability to adapt, feel the vibration of those around them, and make great healers and spiritual guides because of their sensitivity to vibration and energy. Because they do not have limbs they rely on their gut feelings and kinesthetic sensory to inform their intellect. The challenge for the snake is to interpret accurately and not rely on instinct alone, it can lead to poor choices. This is especially true where money is involved.

The empathic ability of the snake can also be channelled and expressed creatively through music and art. 

On the surface the snake appears calm and laid back but appearance is not always what it seems. The reptilian brain of fight or flight, can kick in causing them to take  defensive posture, and in turn unpredictable.  Snakes may be less “proactive,” with a preference to lie quietly, waiting for an opportunity to appear, and then to strike.

They can also become overly sensitive and misread intentions and react without thinking especially if they feel “tread” upon or threatened. This can lead to relationships fraught with emotional drama. 

The snake will seem like they want to be alone, but want the warmth and comfort from others, and to be taken care of,  to feel understood and loved.

Health:  Absorbing the vibrations of their environment is exhausting and the snake can suffer from over stimulation and stress related illnesses and conditions like Seasonal Affect Disorder(SAD), anxiety and depression as well as digestive problems like acid reflux and skin problems. Emotional swings such as withdrawing or lashing out.  

Be mindful of the change in seasons and weather gets warmer, this is because the fixed element of Snake is Fire and with the influence of Wood, to feed the flames over stimulation can cause burn out.  Adjust activities accordingly to avoid extremes. Sunlight is important for vitamin D, but make sure to use sunscreen. 

Parenting Strategies for Holiday Stress

With the Holidays kicking in once again, we could all use a little sprinkle of calm magic dust to make it just a bit easier!

While the holidays are a time of celebration, did you know that 9 out of 10 people experience an increase of stress levels during the holiday season? Time constraints, travel, financial burden, social pressures &  family dynamics are added stressors that can make parenting extra strained.

This is why parenting strategies can make your life so much easier. It’s not just about dealing with your children; as our own family members age we take on parent roles to our own parents.

You may find yourself sandwiched between several generations negotiating those relationships while trying to stay calm and meet your family’s needs.

Olivia Bergeron is a mom to three, therapist and parent coach…so she’s been there…and has got you covered!

Check out this quickie video she made just for you and just in time for the season’s mad dash:

Momzilla to Rockstar Mom–Your 10 Minute Guide: 

You’ll get tips from Olivia to transform your parenting this holiday and beyond!

P.S. these strategies are effective for adult children interacting with aging parents too.

You’ve got this, Moms!

Olivia Bergeron, LCSW


TT @mommygroove 

Is Honey Safe to Consume while Pregnant?

Honey is a superfood.

Honey could be considered a superfood as it can be used topically to heal wounds, it contains many substances such as phytochemicals, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. 

Honey is used in Chinese herbal medicine together with ginger and licorice to help the digestive system absorb the herbs. 

Antibacterial: The bactericidal activities of pure honey are activated against organisms including, Salmonella, E. Coli, Shigella and H. Pylori

Digestive health: Honey is a benefit to the gut because it has fructo-oligosaccharides that are prebiotic and probiotic helping to balance intestinal flora and maintaining regular bowel movements

Immune boosting:  We gain benefit from honey, herbal medicine and plants has to do with our biological unity with plants. Plants produce chemicals for their own use (survival) and evolved in the same environment as humans and animals and we use them for ourselves, that their immune compounds in honey benefit our immune system.

1. Is honey safe to eat when pregnant?

Honey is perfectly safe to eat during pregnancy. 

Sweet is a flavor in Chinese medicine that promotes nourishment and stimulates the channels of the  “Stomach and Spleen” meridians and energetics.

Adding honey with ginger tea can help with nausea.


2. Is RAW honey safe to eat while pregnant?

Raw honey is safe to eat while pregnant. 

Pure, local and raw is less processed and will have more of the nutrient and health benefits of the nectar from the flowers honey bees extracted in the honey-making. 

Allergies come from local flora and fauna and local honey will have small amounts of the pollen that helps regulate the immune system and allergic response

Honey is safe especially if it is sourced locally, because the closer to the origin of the honey is the benefits from the local flora and fauna that can help with allergies. 

Processing such as pasteurization and filtering can remove some of the nutrients and enzymes that have health benefits.

The pasteurization kills some of the naturally occurring enzymes and yeasts lowering the health benefits though not all are gone . 

Pasteurization of honey is not done for food safety reasons like dairy products and juices. 

Large scale production of honey may mix honey from various sources and by heating (pasteurizing) the honey to 160 F then cooling it creates a homogenized version and slows the crystallization of the sugars.  

 3. What are some benefits of eating honey while pregnant?

Honey has a lower glycemic index than regular sugars. 

The risk of gestational diabetes increases with age and,  in the US gestational diabetes, it is as high as 30%.

Honey has a lower glycemic index than sugar and studies show that patients with type 2 diabetes fare better glycemic control with honey.

Overall sugar in the American diet is problematic, 34.2 million Americans have diabetes that accounts for almost 11% of the population. 

Approximately 88 million (34.5%) are pre-diabetic in the US. These numbers combined represent 122 million or 36% of the population with a serious health condition.

4. How much honey can you have daily when pregnant? Is there a suggested limit?

While honey has a slightly lower glycemic index; similar to sugar consumption during pregnancy women need to be cautious with how much they eat.

5. Are there any specific cases where a mom-to-be shouldn’t eat honey? (GD, GI issues, etc)

For the most part honey is safe. The only consideration would be if the source of the honey is questionable.  it is unclear

6. Can babies have honey? (Why not?) 

It is not advisable for children under 1 year to consume honey as there are some bacteria such as botulism that children may not be able to fight against.

7. Can you eat honey while breastfeeding?

Honey is safe to eat when breastfeeding.

Honey is safe to eat while breastfeeding, honey has many health benefits and is immune supporting. 

Honey is being digested first through the mothers body; the hormone prolactin causes the alveoli in the breast tissue to take proteins and sugars from the blood and turns them into breast milk. 

#pregnancy #whattoexpect #perinatalnutrition #healthypregnancy #pregnantfood #breastmilk #honey #rawhoney #lactation

Acupuncture points for balancing hormones

Hormonal imbalances have become increasingly common in our modern world, affecting millions of individuals across all age groups. From persistent fatigue and unexplained weight gain to mood swings and reproductive issues, the symptoms of hormonal disruption can significantly impact one's quality of life. While conventional treatments often focus on synthetic hormone replacement or symptom management, many are turning to the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for a more holistic approach to restoring hormonal harmony.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we understand the intricate dance of hormones within the body and the profound effects that imbalances can have on your overall well-being. Our experienced practitioners harness the power of acupuncture to help rebalance your hormones naturally, addressing the root causes of disruption rather than merely masking symptoms.

What causes hormonal imbalances?

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various bodily functions, including metabolism, growth and development, mood, sexual function, and reproduction. When the delicate balance of these hormones is disrupted, it can lead to a wide range of symptoms and health issues, such as:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

  • Infertility

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

  • Endometriosis

  • Thyroid disorders

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Menopausal symptoms

  • Low testosterone in men

  • Mood disorders like anxiety and depression

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Weight gain or difficulty losing weight

  • Skin issues like acne or dryness

  • Hair loss or excessive hair growth

From a TCM perspective, hormonal imbalances are often viewed as disruptions in the flow of Qi (vital energy) and blood through the body's meridian systems, particularly those associated with the reproductive organs, adrenal glands, and endocrine system.

Acupuncture points for hormonal balance

Acupuncture offers a gentle yet powerful way to address hormonal imbalances by stimulating specific points on the body. Some points, when activated, can help regulate the flow of Qi and blood, support organ function, and promote overall hormonal harmony. Here are some acupuncture points often used when addressing hormone imbalances.

Kidney 3 (KD3) - Taixi

Located in the depression between the inner ankle bone and the Achilles tendon, Kidney 3 is a powerful point for nourishing Kidney Yin and Yang. In TCM, the Kidneys are considered the foundation of reproductive health and play a crucial role in hormonal balance.

Stimulating this point can help:

  • Regulate the menstrual cycle

  • Support fertility

  • Alleviate menopausal symptoms

  • Boost overall vitality and energy

Spleen 6 (SP6) - Sanyinjiao

Found about three cun (the equivalent of one hand width)  above the inner ankle bone, Spleen 6 is often called the "Three Yin Crossing”  because it connects with the three yin meridians of the leg, Spleen, Liver, and Kidney meridians. This point is especially beneficial for women's health issues.

Benefits of stimulating SP6 include:

  • Regulating menstruation

  • Alleviating PMS symptoms

  • Supporting ovarian function

  • Reducing bloating and water retention

Ren 4 (CV4) - Guanyuan

Located about three cun (the equivalent of one hand width)below the navel on the midline, Ren 4 is a key point for regulating the lower and pelvic area issues of the body. (lower abdominal area). This point is particularly useful for addressing reproductive health issues in both men and women.

Activating Ren 4 can help:

  • Enhance fertility

  • Regulate menstrual cycles

  • Support healthy libido

  • Alleviate menopausal symptoms

Liver 3 (LV3) - Taichong

Found in the depression between the first and second metatarsal bones on the top of the foot, Liver 3 is known as the "Great Surge" point. It's excellent for promoting the smooth flow of Liver Qi, which is crucial for hormonal balance.

Benefits of stimulating LV3 include:

  • Reducing irritability and mood swings

  • Alleviating menstrual cramps

  • Supporting healthy testosterone levels in men

  • Promoting emotional balance

Pericardium 6 (PC6) - Neiguan

Located about three cun (the equivalent of one hand width) below the wrist crease on the inner forearm, Pericardium 6 is known for its ability to calm the mind, nausea, and Heart Qi. This point is used for addressing anxiety and nausea as well as hormone-related emotional disturbances.

Stimulating PC6 can help:

  • Reduce anxiety and stress

  • Alleviate nausea (including morning sickness)

  • Promote better sleep

  • Balance mood swings

Stomach 36 (ST36) - Zusanli

Found on the front of the lower leg,  four finger-widths below the kneecap on the tibialis muscle on finger breadth lateral to the shin bone.., Stomach 36 is called the 3-mile leg point because it is a powerful point for boosting overall energy and supporting digestive function. Proper digestion is crucial for hormonal health, as it ensures the body can effectively process and utilize nutrients.

Benefits of activating ST36 include:

  • Enhancing energy levels

  • Improving nutrient absorption

  • Supporting healthy metabolism

  • Boosting the immune system

Yin Tang - Extra Point

Located between the eyebrows, Yin Tang is known as an extra point, known as the “Hall of Impression or the third eye” and used for its calming effects on the mind and clarity of thought and introspection.

Stimulating Yin Tang can help:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Alleviate insomnia

  • Balance mood swings

  • Support overall hormonal regulation

Ear Shenmen

This point, located in the upper part of the ear's triangular fossa, is called the “Gate of Spirit” and is known for its powerful calming effects on the nervous system. Hormonal imbalances often go hand-in-hand with stress and anxiety, making this point particularly valuable.

Benefits of stimulating Ear Shenmen include:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety

  • Promoting better sleep

  • Balancing the endocrine system

  • Enhancing overall well-being

Combining acupuncture points

While each of these points has specific benefits, the true power and mastery of acupuncture lies in personalized treatments addressing your unique health concerns and the root cause of hormonal imbalances. n At Integrative Healing Arts, our skilled practitioners assess your unique symptoms, health history, and TCM diagnosis to create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific hormonal imbalances.

We treat the individual first that has the disease, this is not the same for everyone and therefore cookie cutter or protocol is not so effective. Women who struggle with PCOS might receive treatments that address the insulin resistance type of PCOS that include other point combinations and treatments. 

Men can also benefit from acupuncture for example, dealing with low testosterone can benefit from adding Kidney 3 for boosting vitality Liver 3 for promoting smooth Qi flow, and Stomach 36 for overall energy and vitality.

Book with us today

Hormonal imbalances can be frustrating and challenging and have a negative impact l on your daily life, but you don't have to suffer in silence. Acupuncture offers a natural, holistic approach to restoring balance within your body's complex hormonal systems.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we're committed to helping you achieve optimal hormonal health and overall well-being. Our experienced practitioners will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs and goals.

Don't let hormonal imbalances hold you back from living your best life. If you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances and you want a healthy solution, contact our office today to find out how acupuncture can help you.

Should You Try Acupuncture for Sperm Morphology?

For couples facing the challenges of infertility, the path to parenthood can be an emotional journey filled with highs and lows. So much attention is placed on women and their egg quality yet male infertility accounts for 30% of infertility cases  When each step of trying to conceive is marked by hope, patience, and the desire for a positive outcome, focusing only on female reproduction can lead to missing crucial information. Among the many factors that can affect fertility, one that is often overlooked is male factor infertility such as sperm morphology – the size and shape of sperm cells. When sperm morphology is less than ideal, it can make conception more difficult, leading to feelings of frustration and a longing for answers.

In the search for natural and holistic ways to enhance fertility, acupuncture has become a beacon of hope for many. This ancient practice, rooted in Chinese medicine, offers a gentle and nurturing approach to improving sperm health, including morphology, and may increase the chances of conception.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we deeply understand the emotional and physical complexities of fertility issues. We are committed to providing compassionate care and personalized acupuncture treatments that support male fertility. Our experienced practitioners are here to walk alongside you, offering treatments that aim to improve sperm morphology and overall reproductive health, helping to bring your dream of parenthood closer to reality.

Sperm morphology

Sperm morphology refers to the size and shape of sperm cells. In a typical semen analysis, healthcare providers assess the percentage of sperm with a normal shape. Ideally, at least 4% of sperm should have a normal morphology for optimal fertility. When this percentage falls below 4%, it's considered poor sperm morphology or teratozoospermia.

Normal sperm have an oval-shaped head, a well-defined mid-piece, and a long, straight tail. These characteristics allow the sperm to swim efficiently and penetrate the egg during fertilization.

Abnormally shaped sperm may have defects in any of these areas, such as:

  • Misshapen or too large/small heads

  • Multiple heads or tails

  • Crooked or coiled tails

  • Absent or defective mid-piece

Poor sperm morphology can lead to various fertility issues, including:

  • Difficulty reaching the egg

  • Inability to penetrate the egg's outer layer

  • Impaired ability to fertilize the egg

  • Increased risk of miscarriage if fertilization occurs

While it's possible to conceive with poor sperm morphology, it may longer and require assisted reproductive technologies. This is where acupuncture can play a valuable role in naturally improving sperm health and increasing the chances of conception.

Acupuncture enhances blood flow

One of the primary ways acupuncture can improve sperm morphology is by increasing blood flow to the testicles and other reproductive organs. Enhanced circulation delivers more oxygen and nutrients to these areas, supporting optimal sperm production and development.

Studies have shown that improved testicular blood flow correlates with better sperm parameters, including morphology. By stimulating specific acupoints associated with the reproductive system, acupuncture can help create an environment conducive to healthy sperm formation.

Acupuncture helps reduce stress

Oxidative stress, caused by an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body, can significantly impact sperm health and morphology. Excessive oxidative stress can damage sperm DNA and disrupt normal sperm development, leading to abnormal shapes and reduced fertility.

Acupuncture has been shown to have antioxidant effects, helping to neutralize free radicals and protect sperm from oxidative damage. This protective effect may contribute to improvements in sperm morphology over time. 

Acupuncture can balance hormones

Hormonal imbalances can play a crucial role in sperm production and morphology. Studies have found that acupuncture can help regulate hormones like testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).

By promoting hormonal balance, acupuncture can create a more favorable environment for proper sperm development and maturation, potentially leading to improvements in morphology.

Acupuncture may support liver function

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the liver plays a crucial role in male fertility. The liver is responsible for storing blood and regulating its flow throughout the body, including to the reproductive organs. When liver function is impaired, it can lead to stagnation of blood and energy (Qi), potentially affecting sperm production and morphology.

Acupuncture treatments target specific points on the body that support liver function and promote the smooth flow of Qi and blood. By optimizing liver health, acupuncture may indirectly contribute to improvements in sperm morphology.

An integrative approach 

At Integrative Healing Arts, we offer our clients a comprehensive, personalized approach to addressing fertility issues, including poor sperm morphology. Our treatment plans often combine acupuncture with other evidence-based therapies to maximize results.

In addition to acupuncture, our practitioners may recommend specific Chinese herbal formulas to complement your acupuncture treatments. These herbs are carefully selected to support reproductive health, boost sperm production, and improve overall vitality.

Diet and lifestyle also play a crucial role in sperm health. If you are unsure where to start, our team can guide fertility-boosting foods and supplements that may help improve sperm morphology, such as antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, zinc-containing foods, and omega-3 fatty acids. We can also work with you to identify and address lifestyle factors that may be impacting your sperm health, such as exposure to environmental toxins, excessive heat, or harmful habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

We believe in working alongside your primary healthcare providers and fertility specialists. Our integrative approach ensures that your acupuncture treatments complement any conventional medical interventions you may be undergoing.

Book your first appointment with us today

If you're facing fertility challenges due to poor sperm morphology, please know that you're not alone, and there is real hope. Acupuncture offers a natural and holistic path to improving sperm health, giving you a better chance at achieving your dreams of parenthood.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we understand the emotional and physical hurdles of infertility. Our compassionate team is here to support you with personalized care every step of the way.

Don't let poor sperm morphology stand in the way of starting or growing your family. Book your first appointment with our team today to schedule a consultation and discover how our integrative approach to male fertility can guide you on your journey to parenthood. We're here to help you every step of the way.