The Benefits Of Using Acupuncture For Migraines


If you’re a migraine sufferer, you know how incapacitating an episode can be. Migraines aren’t just intense headaches. The term “migraine” encompasses a handful of uncomfortable symptoms, including severe head pain, nausea, confusion, mood changes, and sensitivities to light and sound. Some migraine patients also experience auras, visual disturbances like blind spots, and seeing lights, patterns, and lines. If your migraine episodes are increasing in frequency, you may be wondering about the benefits of using acupuncture for migraines, and how this all-natural treatment can improve your symptoms. 

Using acupuncture for migraines is an excellent way to manage your pain naturally. Acupuncture upregulates serotonin activity in the brain to regulate your moods, control your pain, and reduce the number and severity of migraines you experience. 

How does acupuncture for migraines provide relief?

Acupuncture is incredibly relaxing. Many patients seek out acupuncture therapy purely for its stress-reducing benefits. The insertion of hair-thin needles into certain key points across the body stimulates the nervous system, causing contracted muscles to soften. Physically eliminating your muscle tension tells your entire body to relax, and that includes your mind. 

It’s much easier to feel at ease when your muscles are loose and limber! Simply addressing muscle tension and the stress that caused it is one of the main reasons why acupuncture for migraines is so effective. But, acupuncture works on multiple levels to help migraine patients overcome their many symptoms. 

Another benefit of using acupuncture to treat migraine symptoms is the regulatory effect it has on neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers transmit signals from nerve cells to target cells. The neurotransmitter serotonin has been shown to play an important role in the development of migraines. Migraine patients often present with low serotonin levels

However, regular acupuncture sessions can help migraine patients reduce or even eliminate their migraine episodes by upregulating serotonin activity in the brain. Boosting serotonin will help you stave off migraine episodes. It will also help improve your mood, making it much easier for you to fight off stress and cope with pain. 

Acupuncture fights stress and balances hormones

Migraines can have multiple triggers. Certain types of lighting and strong smells can lead to an episode. Sudden drops in barometric pressure due to weather changes are a common issue for many patients. Stress and hormonal imbalances are two additional triggers that pose a problem for many migraine sufferers. 

Fortunately, acupuncture can help address these triggers. As we already know, acupuncture is a powerful natural treatment for chronic stress. Regular acupuncture treatments reduce stress hormones, like cortisol. 

But acupuncture can also balance sex hormones. Acupuncture treatments stimulate the production of female sex hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin. If you developed migraines after taking birth control, or shortly after menopause, acupuncture is more likely to benefit you. 

Because acupuncture has a calming effect on the body, it encourages normal responses to various stimuli, from weather changes to light changes. Acupuncture works on a cellular level, balancing overactive nervous systems, so the things that trigger your migraines no longer pose a problem for you. 

Can acupuncture be used alone to treat migraines?

In our experience, acupuncture can be highly effective for treating migraines naturally. Regular acupuncture treatments not only address preexisting migraine pain but also reduce your chances of future episodes. That’s simply because acupuncture is so effective at reducing stress. 

But acupuncture isn’t the only holistic treatment that can be used to address recurring migraine episodes. Massage therapy to treat deep-seated muscle tension can be extremely beneficial. Relieving muscle tension with the help of a good massage makes it easier for your muscles to function properly. The better your muscles work, the less tension you’ll carry. 

Herbal medicine can also be incredibly helpful for migraine patients. Powerful Chinese herbal blends work with your body. The adaptogenic nature of these protocols stimulates underactive systems, while simultaneously calming overactive ones. The right herbal blend centers you, realigning your body, mind, and spirit, allowing you to restore your health.

How often should you get acupuncture for migraines?

If you only get a migraine once in a blue moon, then getting acupuncture during the episode — or, ideally, before the migraine sets in — may be enough to keep your symptoms under control. Depending on your current state of health, weekly sessions or bi-weekly may be recommended to help you overcome the episode. 

On the other hand, if you struggle with frequent migraine attacks, then you will most likely benefit from regular acupuncture sessions. If you suffer from additional conditions, like sciatica or endometriosis, you’ll also benefit from routine treatments. Acupuncture sessions 3 to 5 times a week for a period of 1 to 4 months may be required to get your health back on track. 

Because every body is different, it’s almost impossible to say exactly how many treatments you’ll need to help you overcome your migraines. At Integrative Healing Arts, we work with each patient to get to the root of their dysfunction and to create a personalized treatment plan that will put them on the fast track to recovery. 

Acupuncture has been shown to reduce acute migraine pain, and is just as effective for preventing future episodes. When it comes to treating migraines with acupuncture, it’s critical to follow the recommended protocol to successfully manage your pain.

Booking your first appointment

Migraines can be debilitating, but you don’t have to endure the pain. You have options. Acupuncture is one of the most effective alternative treatments for this painful condition. 

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’re committed to working with you to come up with a holistic treatment plan that gives you real results. 

If you’d like to learn more about the healing powers of acupuncture, and how this centuries-old treatment can help you heal naturally, get in touch with us today

From your very first appointment, we’ll help you create a customized treatment protocol that aligns with your health goals. We don’t just want to help you overcome your pain. We want to help you restore your mind, body, and spirit to good health so you can achieve complete wellness, inside and out.

Can You Get Acupuncture For Endometriosis?

More and more women are being diagnosed with endometriosis. This chronic condition occurs when tissue similar to that found in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) strays to other parts of the body. Endometriosis can lead to severe pain, heavy bleeding, painful bowel movements, and infertility. To make matters worse, the symptoms of endometriosis can persist even after your period ends. Fortunately, acupuncture for endometriosis can help you cope with this debilitating condition so you can get back on your feet.

Acupuncture works especially well for women who are dealing with endometriosis pain. Not only does acupuncture raise your pain threshold naturally, but it also works to balance your hormones and gently tone the muscles in your pelvic floor. 

How does acupuncture treat endometriosis pain?

Endometriosis is a complicated condition and one that we still don’t fully understand. We’re not sure what causes endometriosis. But what we do know is that, for some reason, some women develop lesions on different parts of their bodies, whether it’s their fallopian tubes, intestines, nose or knees. Every month during menstruation, this tissue bleeds, causing widespread inflammation and even scarring. 

The pain from endometriosis can make you feel exhausted and it can contribute to stress and emotional issues. It’s hard not to be moody when you’re in pain all of the time. But acupuncture can help you deal with your painful endometriosis symptoms, and help you regulate your emotions all at the same time, so you can feel great inside and out. 

As acupuncture needles are inserted, they immediately trigger the nervous system, causing nearby muscles to relax and release pent-up tension. Women who suffer from endometriosis often endure intense cramping. Because acupuncture encourages healthy muscle function, it can not only alleviate the pain in the short term, but it can retrain your muscles to work properly so you can avoid pain in the future. 

Another reason we recommend acupuncture for endometriosis is because acupuncture is believed to trigger the release of endorphins.Studies show acupuncture stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that are anti- inflammatory that naturally relieves pain. Inflammation is the underlying cause of pain.  Endorphins also enhance your mood and alleviate stress to help give you a positive outlook on life and a can-do attitude. 

Is acupuncture alone enough to treat your endometriosis symptoms?

Acupuncture is the gold-standard holistic treatment method when it comes to endometriosis. It’s highly effective at restoring hormonal health and pelvic muscle tone. Because acupuncture is so effective at stimulating healing, it can also break up painful adhesions caused by endometriosis

If you’re looking for alternative treatment methods for your endometriosis symptoms, then acupuncture is a great place to start. Acupuncture supports total body wellness, no matter what condition you’re currently grappling with, whether it’s endometriosis, sciatica, or migraines. But when it comes to creating a holistic treatment strategy, you’ll likely see more success when you combine healing methods. 

For women who are only experiencing mild symptoms of endometriosis, routine acupuncture sessions may be all they ever need to help them overcome their pain. But in severe cases, you may find other holistic treatment measures enhance the effects of acupuncture. At Integrative Healing Arts, we may recommend a combination of massage therapy and herbal medicine, too.  

Using several alternative therapies at once is just putting more irons in the fire. And because each of these therapies is adaptogenic in nature, supporting the body where it’s weak while simultaneously calming overactive systems, they’re often far more effective when used together. 

Can acupuncture for endometriosis help restore your fertility?

If you and your partner are trying to conceive, an endometriosis diagnosis can throw a wrench in your plans. But hundreds of women have been able to conceive naturally and give birth to healthy babies, in spite of their endometriosis, with the healing powers of acupuncture. 

Acupuncture treatments don’t just promote physical and mental relaxation. Regular sessions support hormonal health, and consequently, fertility. If your menstrual cycles are too short, too long, or even non-existent, acupuncture can help your body establish normal cycles. The better your sexual health, the healthier you are in general. 

And let’s not forget that stress can be a major contributor to infertility. Because acupuncture for endometriosis also mitigates your stress levels, it can make getting pregnant much easier, whether you’re trying to conceive naturally, or with the help of IVF treatments. 

How many acupuncture sessions will you need to treat endometriosis?

How often you’ll need to receive acupuncture for endometriosis depends on the severity of your symptoms. Mild cases may only require bi-weekly sessions whenever symptoms arise. But more complex cases may require bi-weekly treatments for a period of several months. 

During your session, we will work with you to determine the best strategy to treat your symptoms. We will determine the best pathways to restore energy and realign your mind, body, and spirit. Your treatments may stay the same, with needles being placed at the same points time after time. Or they may change as you progress, and call for a change in treatment strategy. 

It’s worth noting that you really can’t get acupuncture too often. Many patients receive acupuncture daily, with some patients taking a few weeks off in between treatment periods to resensitize their bodies to the treatment’s effects. 

Ultimately, we will work with you to assess your symptoms and help you determine how often you’ll need to receive acupuncture treatments. 

Booking your first appointment

If you’re ready to dive in and learn more about how acupuncture can help you overcome your endometriosis symptoms naturally, get in touch today. At Integrative Healing Arts, we’re committed to helping our clients get to the bottom of their health conditions. 

After assessing your constitution, we’ll work with you to uncover any systemic dysfunction that may be contributing to your endometriosis symptoms. This will allow us to treat you more effectively, so you can take back control of your health and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

Whether you want to conceive another child, or just put a stop to your painful monthly symptoms, when you book an appointment with us, we’ll be there to help you throughout your health journey.

How to manage fibromyalgia holistically without the use of opioids.

According to the CDC, approximately 4 million or 2-6% of adults are affected by fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia disproportionately affects women making up 90% of the cases. 

How is  fibromyalgia diagnosed? 

Until recently fibromyalgia was almost impossible to “diagnose”, because it is represented by pain all over the body and can mimic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Lyme. It is a pain condition that can also accompany other illnesses which makes the diagnosis complicated. The pain experience can range from severe to diffuse.

How it is diagnosed is usually by excluding other illnesses that have more definitive test confirmations. Research now shows that there are markers in the blood that they believe can help identify fibromyalgia and other rheumatic conditions. What we also know is that there are specific tender points also known as trigger points that are present in pairs on both sides of the body.  These tender points were considered key to having a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.

What we do know about fibromyalgia is that it is an inflammation of the connective tissue as well as the muscle tissue. For some people suffering from fibromyalgia, they may experience more connective tissue pain versus muscle pain.

Studies show that psychological stress plays a role in pain and is linked with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, hormonal fluctuations are associated with pain severity with fibromyalgia and can explain why women are more affected with pain conditions.

Treating fibromyalgia holistically without opioids:

Cultivating a balanced lifestyle, and managing stress and stress hormones can help prevent and mitigate pain flare-ups. 

Acupuncture is one of the best ways to treat patients with fibromyalgia and studies show that they do feel better when getting treated. Patients with fibromyalgia often experience additional symptoms such as poor sleep, fatigue, and mental fogginess. Their symptoms or flair-ups are often after stressful events or taking on too much. Acupuncture can:

  • Help to reset the nervous system and release endorphins, “feel good” chemicals. 

  • It improves blood circulation and lymph flow so that inflammations can be

  • Improves quality of sleep 

  • Relieves pain

  • Relieves stress

  • Improves immune function

Acupressure: Instead of needling you can press points that will help to relieve pain. Studies show that this is effective for fibromyalgia pain and can be part of self-treatment.

Yoga or Tai Chi: gentle movement and breathing help to strengthen the mind-body connection. 

Meditation: Helps strengthen the mind-body connections and relieve stress

Massage therapy: gentle massage can help with muscle tension and relieve stress, it also stimulates the rest and digestion states.

Essential oils: Lavender is one of the most effective essential oils for relaxation and for relieving pain. It is also effective for relieving anxiety.

Avoiding sugar and junk food: sugar is acidic and causes inflammation, junk food is processed with lots of chemicals and that are harder for the body to process and can cause a drop in high and low energy and fuzzy thinking. Make sure you can eat regularly and clean and adopt an anti-inflammatory diet, so that the body is supported and you don’t go for the sugar. 

Avoiding gluten: at least 80% of the population has sensitivity to gluten. This can cause systemic inflammation in the body.

Research shows Turmeric and Ashwagandha relieve inflammation in arthritis, joint pain, and rheumatoid arthritis.

What is Reflexology and Does it Work?

Reflexology and acupressure points and hands and feet can relieve back pain, improve digestion and help with sleep as well as fertility.

Reflexology goes far back to ancient China over 5,000 years ago.  Records depicting reflexology in hieroglyphs in Egypt reference its use 2,200 b.c. 

According to a history of reflexology timeline, more modern reflexology emerged in the 19th century called zone therapy. 

Reflexology is often referenced interchangeably as acupressure or shiatsu, though there are differences.

Reflexology differs from acupressure and acupuncture in that it uses a mapping of a microcosm of the body on the hands, feet, or ears. A reflexologist will press points on the foot, hand, or in the ears that are believed to be a reflex related to an organ. For example, the top of the toe may represent the brain and the arch of the foot the bladder. It is believed that you can access the body’s organ system, by pressing reflex points. Some reflexology maps differ slightly as well.

 Reflexology does not use a meridian/channel-based system. What they have in common is massaging an area or point of the body to promote health through the body’s natural healing mechanism.

Which benefits of reflexology have some scientific backing?

Studies do show that reflexology has a positive effect on quality of life, stress, anxiety, and pain. 

Studies also show that it can help with low back pain, migraine headaches, poststroke (improves connectivity in the brain) and diabetic neuropathy.

Research on reflexology and MRI imaging shows that specific parts of the brain would light up correlated with reflexology theory and body mapping. The belief is that stimulation of the reflex areas tap into the central nervous system. 

Much research on FMRI overlaps with comparing acupuncture points and their specific point functions and neural mechanisms that light up in the brain. With acupuncture points the “real” points light up areas of the brain related to organs and functions versus “inaccurate locations”. Usually, studies refer to non-acupuncture points as “sham”, but touch points on the body and meridians (energy pathways) will send messages through the body.  They may not show significance in a “study” trying to map the brain, but it does not mean they are without therapeutic benefit. 

What are the anecdotal benefits of reflexology? 

Reflexology is a non-drug way to relieve stress and anxiety and is safe and accessible as a therapy. It can be done just about anywhere and does not involve removing all of your clothes

Reflexology is very relaxing and has the benefits of touch therapy. Reflexology is considered a form of massage therapy and improves the mind-body connection increasing the awareness of the receiver of where they hold patterns of stress and pain. Helping the body go from a state of stress response to calm.

For people who have difficulty with sleep, the stimulation on the feet helps to bring the energy downward as opposed to in the head with racing thoughts.

Is there any risk?

With any massage or physical medicine, considerations such as whether the patient has diminished sensory in their feet or nerve damage. Some conditions can cause more inflammation such as RSD.

Women that are pregnant in their first trimester should make sure that the practitioner has experience working with pregnant women.

Is reflexology painful?

For some reflexology can feel painful, and it is believed that is because the reflex area or zone has congestion in the pertaining body part or organ.

Some people have more sensitivity on their feet from wearing shoes all the time. The muscles and connective tissue between the metatarsals and toes get stiff and have less flexibility or joint mobility so when they get mobilized it can feel painful. After reflexology they feel much better.

Postpartum Depression Is More Common Than You Think, Here’s How The Chines Practice of One Month Sitting Can Help

Don’t ignore or feel shame if you are experiencing postpartum depression. 1 in 7 women are affected.

In Asian and Chinese culture tradition is to have a rest period postpartum. This is referred to as one month of sitting or “Zuo Yue Zi” / 坐月子. It is an ancient practice which entails healing, regenerating and bonding with the baby. Special foods and medicinal soups are prepared prior to delivery that will aid in recovery from the birth and prevent illness.

All women that experience child birth experience a lot of physical, hormonal, emotional, and psychological changes throughout their pregnancy. No matter how much research and planning, each women will have their own personal experience.

Society has many expectations and judgement of women and how they should be as a Mother. It is a myth that women are overwhelmed with feelings of joy at first sight of their baby. Having a bThere is an adjustment period

It is completely normal to experience crying, sadness and anxiety after having a baby . It takes time to adjust and it can feel like you stepped into someone else’s life. Research indicates that 1 in 7 women will experience postpartum depression.

A new Mom may be surprised that she is struggling with motherhood and hide her intense feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety and depression.

The one month (approximately 4 weeks) sitting focuses on resting, eating nutrient dense foods that help with lactation, building blood (from loss) and sleep. No stress or many visitors only the core family of support and no doing house chores. This is because house work and interacting with many people can be stressful. This is a critical time for both mother and baby to heal and bond.

“Baby blues” which last around 2-3 weeks include crying spells, mood swings, anxiety and sleep difficulties.

In contrast postpartum depression symptoms longer and have more severe with intensifying feelings of depression and anxiety that adversely affect a woman’s ability to adjust to her new role as a mother.

Feelings of overwhelm, and worry about being a good mother, anxiety and panic attacks, fatigue and loss of appetite and worry about self harm or harming the baby can be part of it.

What puts a woman at risk for postpartum depression?

Stress before and around delivery is associated with higher risk of postpartum depression, this includes a difficult pregnancy and difficulty getting pregnant (IVF, IUI, RPL) A history of trauma, depression, health issues and eating disorders.

Identifying before pregnancy and delivery helps to develop a plan of support so that you don’t get overwhelmed with feelings of helplessness and sadness. This plan should include acupuncture, before during and after pregnancy.

New Mom’s really need to put self-care at the top of the priority lists by asking for help and time for healing.