What is Reflexology and Does it Work?

Reflexology and acupressure points and hands and feet can relieve back pain, improve digestion and help with sleep as well as fertility.

Reflexology goes far back to ancient China over 5,000 years ago.  Records depicting reflexology in hieroglyphs in Egypt reference its use 2,200 b.c. 

According to a history of reflexology timeline, more modern reflexology emerged in the 19th century called zone therapy. 

Reflexology is often referenced interchangeably as acupressure or shiatsu, though there are differences.

Reflexology differs from acupressure and acupuncture in that it uses a mapping of a microcosm of the body on the hands, feet, or ears. A reflexologist will press points on the foot, hand, or in the ears that are believed to be a reflex related to an organ. For example, the top of the toe may represent the brain and the arch of the foot the bladder. It is believed that you can access the body’s organ system, by pressing reflex points. Some reflexology maps differ slightly as well.

 Reflexology does not use a meridian/channel-based system. What they have in common is massaging an area or point of the body to promote health through the body’s natural healing mechanism.

Which benefits of reflexology have some scientific backing?

Studies do show that reflexology has a positive effect on quality of life, stress, anxiety, and pain. 

Studies also show that it can help with low back pain, migraine headaches, poststroke (improves connectivity in the brain) and diabetic neuropathy.

Research on reflexology and MRI imaging shows that specific parts of the brain would light up correlated with reflexology theory and body mapping. The belief is that stimulation of the reflex areas tap into the central nervous system. 

Much research on FMRI overlaps with comparing acupuncture points and their specific point functions and neural mechanisms that light up in the brain. With acupuncture points the “real” points light up areas of the brain related to organs and functions versus “inaccurate locations”. Usually, studies refer to non-acupuncture points as “sham”, but touch points on the body and meridians (energy pathways) will send messages through the body.  They may not show significance in a “study” trying to map the brain, but it does not mean they are without therapeutic benefit. 

What are the anecdotal benefits of reflexology? 

Reflexology is a non-drug way to relieve stress and anxiety and is safe and accessible as a therapy. It can be done just about anywhere and does not involve removing all of your clothes

Reflexology is very relaxing and has the benefits of touch therapy. Reflexology is considered a form of massage therapy and improves the mind-body connection increasing the awareness of the receiver of where they hold patterns of stress and pain. Helping the body go from a state of stress response to calm.

For people who have difficulty with sleep, the stimulation on the feet helps to bring the energy downward as opposed to in the head with racing thoughts.

Is there any risk?

With any massage or physical medicine, considerations such as whether the patient has diminished sensory in their feet or nerve damage. Some conditions can cause more inflammation such as RSD.

Women that are pregnant in their first trimester should make sure that the practitioner has experience working with pregnant women.

Is reflexology painful?

For some reflexology can feel painful, and it is believed that is because the reflex area or zone has congestion in the pertaining body part or organ.

Some people have more sensitivity on their feet from wearing shoes all the time. The muscles and connective tissue between the metatarsals and toes get stiff and have less flexibility or joint mobility so when they get mobilized it can feel painful. After reflexology they feel much better.

Autoimmune Conditions Seem To Be On The Rise...How Can Acupuncture Help?

Having an autoimmune condition really sucks. It usually takes years to figure out what is wrong and often no one believes that you actually have pain or suffer.

Many people with autoimmune conditions find Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine gives them relief. #acupuncture #painrelief #rheumatoidarthritis

Many people with autoimmune conditions find Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine gives them relief. #acupuncture #painrelief #rheumatoidarthritis

What are autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases are an abnormal inflammatory response related to chronic illnesses. and they are on the rise in the us. According to AARDA (American Autoimmune Disease Related Association), close to 24% of the US population has an autoimmune condition. 

Environmental factors such as pesticides, and our food are a source of toxicity and inflammation. 

Conditions like MS, Crohn’s disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Rheumatoid arthritis can have good days where everything is normal and days or weeks where you feel like your life is hijacked.

How Can Acupuncture Help?

Studies have shown it to be beneficial in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis, because of the anti-inflammatory effect, anti-oxidative effect and regulation of immune system function.

What causes autoimmune conditions to get worse?

Our lives are extremely stressful and stress hormones disrupt our immune system to then over respond and attack the body. 

Stress and stress hormones of fight or flight increase inflammation in the body and make it hard for the nervous system to rebalance. This is one of the underlying reasons why autoimmune conditions are so hard to treat. Once triggered the body becomes hypersensitive and can develop more sensitivities and triggers. Emotionally this also makes the worse.

Poor sleep will also interfere with the immune system and will inflammation, digestion and mood. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Are autoimmune diseases on the rise or is there more awareness than there used to be? 

There is more awareness about autoimmune diseases, but it is not always clear that the illnesses are autoimmune or a passing event. So many doctors don’t test patients for the autoimmune antibodies or 

Are there any theories about why?

There are lots of chemicals in our environment and pesticides, plastics, beauty products as well as processed foods and these are linked to increases in inflammation. Studies show that processed foods cause more inflammation in the body. 

Why are autoimmune commons, and so common in women?

Women have more nerve receptors as well as hormonal fluctuations compared to men.  Hormonal cycles along with stress can lead to more inflammation and contribute to chronic conditions autoimmune related illnesses such as fibromyalgia.  Research has shown estrogen plays a critical role in affecting pain receptors,  and inflammation. 

When do autoimmune illnesses typically surface and why they are they so difficult to diagnose?

Typically autoimmune conditions will surface after an event, such as the flu virus that can disrupt the intestinal flora and in turn cause an autoimmune response. Autoimmune conditions can also show up years later after suffering from mono or strep where the body never fully recovers and then over time develops more inflammations. This is what makes them so difficult to diagnose because the symptoms may come and go, and seem to be harmless, like a little allergy or digestive upset.

Something like food poisoning, can later cause chronic digestive problems such as IBS or colitis. 

Gut bacteria is crucial for our immune system and when it is out of balance our entire body suffers from a lowered immunity and a dysfunctional immune response. 


How can ginger and ginger tea be beneficial for your health?

Ginger tea can improve your digestion and support you immune system.

Ginger tea can improve your digestion and support you immune system.

Drinking ginger tea has many health benefits, in addition to being caffeine free ginger has many medicinal properties. Helping with nausea and settling an upset stomach are only some of the benefits.

Ginger (root) tea has great antioxidant properties and has shown to have anticancer potential. 

Ginger can help fight colds and bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Together with some lemon and honey it is a powerful addition for a cold remedy.

Pain relief from osteoarthritis in the knee.

Improve heart health by lowering cholesterol lowering and lowering blood pressure.

Ginger is an aromatic spice and comes from the zingiberaceae family that includes turmeric and cardamom. Ginger is used in food and drink for flavor and medicine because they can the stomach and in It was one of the first spices to make its way to Europe during the spice trade.

Chinese cuisine: You will always find a little ginger and garlic blending flavors and it will assist in digestion and overall health.

Chinese Medicine: Ginger (Sheng Jiang) is found in most of Chinese herbal formulas together with licorice because of its effect on the gastrointestinal system. It helps to improve the delivery of medicine by helping with digestion and absorption.   

Ginger has so many health benefits and can easily become part of your immune boosting toolkit.

Ginger has so many health benefits and can easily become part of your immune boosting toolkit.

Do You Have 2020 Vision?

Do you have a clear vision clear for your health in 2020?

Do you have a clear vision clear for your health in 2020?

Another end of the year and a new decade is approaching. I always marvel at how each year seems to be getting shorter and it feels like we are in a crazy time loop.

Every year people make New Year’s resolutions and want to make positive changes to their lives. The recurring themes include a more active approach to health and fitness, travel, losing weight, relieving stress, finding a partner, going on an adventure vacation and spending more time with friends and loved ones. 

Unfortunately for more than 50% of the people that make New Year’s resolutions, give up by spring.


Let’s do something different!


What happened for you in 2019? 


I know that a lot of people got sucked into the news cycles of political drama that 

The media was a major distraction and a source of stress and anxiety for many people and I am pretty certain that it did not contribute to health and wellbeing.


  1. What goals did you set for yourself?

  2. Where did you make progress?

  3. Where didn’t you see progress?


Be gentle with yourself, it’s important to look at what things get in the way of you being successful with your goals.


Here are some tips on how you can be successful with what you want to achieve in 2020!

Pick a resolutions that you can work on everyday and will not easily give up on like getting better sleep, deep breathing, or drinking more water.

These are activities you can do anywhere and the benefits will show quickly.


Stay positive! Make a note of what you were successful at no matter how small. Success creates feel good chemicals that keep you motivated to do more.



Set a goal that will motivate you and connect it to something greater. 

Short term goals will get you some results but if you want a real life change you need to do it in steps and link it to a bigger picture. 

An example:

When someone has a specific reason for losing weight such as a wedding, that reason is what drives them and keeps them committed to achieving that goal. The problem is if that is their only goal then when the wedding is over they will most likely gain the weight back.

The solution is to notice all the positive things you experience from losing the weight, these are wins. Things like you feel better about yourself,  clothes fit better, your have more energy and peolple notice you look better. Use those wins and set another goal to feel even better and have greater qualtiy of life.


Cultivating health and longevity are the principles behind acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Getting regular treatments is a way of supporting the mind-body connection and will make a positive difference to you personally and the quality of life you want to have for as long as you live. 

My wish for all of you is to take charge of your health destiny so youcan have a healthy and prosperous long life and see you in 2020!

What is your vision for the New Year?

What is your vision for the New Year?