There is really only ONE thing stopping you from achieving your health goals...
/What is stopping you from achieving your health goals?
With any change you are looking to make, especially changes to your HEALTH the most important thing for success is to first look at your ATTITUDE.
Your attitude will help you take a leap of faith to your next level of health!
Most people when they want to lose weight for example, look at how HARD it will be, and what they will have to “sacrifice”. There is also a tendency to put things into a good or bad category.
When we label “good” and “bad” foods, it creates resistance and we create an attitude that it is HARD.
They look at what they have to give up the “bad” stuff (sugar, starch, and dairy) and do more of the “good” stuff (broccoli, kale etc.) and exercise. This creates resistance to doing what you need to do to get healthy and the difficulty becomes the focus instead of what you need to do. So every time you want make a change it feels HARD.
What is important here is to identify patterns of resistance so you can have long lasting and consistent success with your health goals. This is about alignment of mind, body, energy and spirit and this creates your attitude or mindset.
Being in charge of your health destiny is a big responsibility and it can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Investing in your health and well being is more important than ever, it is an attitude and mindset. You don’t have to do this on your own nor should you.
One of the beautiful things Chinese medicine and acupuncture, is that it addresses “alignment”, the attitude piece and that is why it will support you physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually.
Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help bring you into alignment, physically, energetically, emotionally and spiritually.
Personal share…not long ago I had a serious knee injury that might have needed surgery; I had to do what ever it would take to heal and rehab my knee. I did everything I could especially acupuncture, massage, stretching and strengthening exercises. The progress was slow and had already built up in my mind there was a long road to recovery and to be honest was not feeling so hopeful. The doctor told me I did not need surgery… however if I wanted to continue dancing I had to do these exercises of 80 repetitions a day. It would strengthen my knee, prevent future injury and I wouldn't need surgery. My first thought was that 80 reps is way too much, and I couldn't see myself doing them. I kept thinking how HARD it was…was setting myself up for failure or giving up. This was because of HOW I was thinking about what I had to do and it seemed like a lot. But the doctor said to do 10 repetitions every hour and that would make 80, suddenly it was EASY!
What is your habitual attitude towards taking care of yourself?
I don’t think anyone choses knee surgery over exercise, though that is what often happens because of the attitude of resistance and it is an obstacle to getting the best results. What was important in my case was being able to shift my attitude so I was in alignment with what I wanted to achieve with my knee and this moved me from a mindset of HARD to EASY, and I had no resistance of doing the exercises!
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”-Lao Tzu
What is important is that you know what the first step is and take action now.
Do you make it HARD as to why you can’t take care of yourself? Do you have things you tell yourself as to why you can’t commit? Is it time, energy or money?
Give yourself every opportunity to live a long and healthy life.
Here is how you can start:
If you want to make some changes first look at how EASY it will be to do it.
Take the big goal and chunk it down into smaller steps.
Think win/win instead of good or bad.
Get help, you don’t need to do this on your own.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine will support you.
Take action
All you have to do is walk 20 minutes a day and you will stave off a heart attack, I'd say, THAT’S ALL I HAVE TO DO?!
It’s that EASY!
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