What Can we Love about the Coronavirus?
/For once multiple countries are working together to stop this highly contagious Covid-19 from spreading.
THIS COULD BE THE ANSWER TO WORLD PEACE... we may only see this kind of cooperation when aliens attack Earth.
For once multiple countries are working together to stop this highly contagious illness from spreading.
There is nothing like a deadly virus along with a media pandemic to get us to pay attention to our inadequate healthcare system and how well we personally are prepared for health crises such as Covid-19.
I only wish that the news cycles would give some EQUAL focus on the vast number of people that have recovered from the virus and alternatives they are using to stay healthy.
If Covid-19 has your attention, you are not alone. This is a wake up call to getting serious about real risks to your health and how close we as a society come to self destruction because of our own neglect to our health and world around us.
The REALITY is when we tell ourselves we "don't have time" or "I wish I could", we are missing the subtlety that health and wellness is not a priority. I believe that this is a seminal moment as a society to take the coronavirus as a wake up call.
It's not okay to ignore the fact that we need to be in GREAT health ALL the time.
Viruses and bacterial infections are opportunistic, meaning they find a weakness in your body and enter.
It is no surprise the people most vulnerable to dying from the flu and the coronavirus have chronic illnesses such as heart disease, depression, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. These chronic illnesses are preventable.
Aside from all the precautions of hand washing, not touching your face, coughing and sneezing into your elbow, washing surfaces etc. there is more that you can do and quite frankly should do.
Currently no vaccine is available for Covid-19 so when we do encounter the coronavirus, how well we recover will depend on how strong our body and it’s immune system is.
You should be aware that vaccines are not the only way to prevent the effects of deadly viruses. Clinical trials and studies show that Chinese herbal medicine was effectively used for prevention and treatment of SARS and H1N1 influenza. Combined with antivirals patients recovered faster than those that did not use the herbal medicine.
It is not a plant medicine substitute with healing properties, it is a system of healthcare practices.
Because Chinese medicine has been treating infectious diseases for thousands of years with herbs and acupuncture as well as other healing methods, traditional Chinese medicine is being used right now on thousands of patients with the coronavirus.
Antivirals will not be enough right now to support and complement antiviral drugs being administered to the people with coronavirus.
That is why Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbs, massage, and mind body principles are so powerful and effective for staying healthy and recovering quickly from illnesses. This is something that antibiotics, antivirals or surgery doesn't help with.
The main principles of Chinese medicine are to cultivate health, wellness and longevity. This is playing a long game.
Cultivating health and wellness is relevant for now and for the future, and is something I help my patients get clear on what they can do.
If you feel you have all the answers you need or this topic is not resonating with you that is completely normal. I don’t expect everyone to find relevance or urgency to make changes to how they approach their health for a better future.
What will NOT work: Buying face masks, stocking up on hand sanitizers and bleaching everything in sight. This is tantamount to hiding under your desk during a nuclear attack. It’s being “doing something”, but will not really help.
If you want to know more, please keep reading.
What is the REAL danger to your health and future?
Lack of interest, concern or enthusiasm where your health is concerned. Here is where you have the power to care enough to take some action.
Are you at risk of catching the coronavirus?
We can’t be certain, but what we can be sure of is there will be another pandemic virus and each time they emerge smarter.
Currently no vaccine is available for this Covid-19 and a vaccine is not a guarantee of safety by any means. It will always be up to our immune systems to respond to the virus and if we are strong enough to survive it when we are exposed.
How can acupuncture and Chinese medicine play a pivotal role in preventing the coronavirus?
Chinese medicine is a collaborative medicine, meaning patient and practitioner work together to find health solutions, educate and empower the patient to heal themselves. This is done by strengthening the protective qi (immune system) from penetration by pathogens (viruses and bacteria) and regulating internal systems such as the nervous system, immune system, breathing, sleep, emotionally, digestion, lymph and circulation.
The most important thing that you can do to protect yourself from the flu virus and other illnesses, is to have a health practice everyday all year round. In addition to a series of personalized acupuncture sessions that can quickly and efficiently help your body regulate itself, here are some basic steps.
What does a health practice look like?
Sleep 7-8 hours of regenerative sleep
Diet - nutritionally dense and organic
Movement - exercise that help with circulation, mobility, strength and function
Mindfulness practice - consciousness around what you listen to and the thoughts that create your reality.
Regular acupuncture will get your body and mind in order much more efficiently so you don’t waste time.
If you are stressed out, not sleeping, overweight, not exercising or eating healthy foods your immune system will be weak and unable to protect you. Areas that you have control over are a great place to start.
What changes you can do now to avoid health pitfalls?
With all the health information available to people I was shocked at the statistics of causes of death in the US…
Poor diet: 678,000 deaths each year in the U.S., due to nutrition- and obesity-related diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.
Tobacco: 480,000 (according to the CDC reports)
Alcohol: 88,000 (NIAAA-NIH)
Influenza: According to the CDC, the latest reports show in 2019-2020 influenza(flu) has caused the deaths of 16,000-41,000 Americans, hospitalized 280,000-500,000, and sickened 29 -41 million.