Using Acupuncture To Induce Labor

You were thrilled to find out you were expecting a baby and excited to start decorating the nursery and choosing baby names. But now, nine months later, you feel like a tick that’s ready to pop. You would do just about anything to speed up your labor so you can finally hold your baby in your arms. Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners have been relying on acupuncture to induce labor for centuries. But is it safe for you and your unborn child, and how exactly does it work?

Acupuncture is safe for use throughout pregnancy, and can also be used to induce labor. Acupuncture helps prepare the body for childbirth by stimulating the release of oxytocin, which promotes healthy muscle function and a speedier delivery. 

Is acupuncture safe to use during pregnancy?

One of the first questions that expecting mothers ask us is if acupuncture is safe to use during pregnancy. The answer is yes! Acupuncture is incredibly safe, for both you and your baby, and is often utilized to treat annoying pregnancy symptoms, like back pain and morning sickness.

Because acupuncture is non-invasive, it has virtually zero negative side effects. You can safely enjoy acupuncture sessions weekly, or even more often, to help ease your pregnancy symptoms and prepare your body for labor.

Many women use acupuncture throughout their pregnancies, but it can be used before and after as well. Acupuncture helps prep the body for conception, and has helped many of our clients, including men, overcome their infertility struggles.

Acupuncture is adaptogenic, meaning it helps your body help itself, whether you’re trying to induce labor, or whether you’re struggling to conceive and overcome infertility. Regular acupuncture sessions work to rebalance your body so that it functions optimally, and so you feel better all the way around, regardless of where you are in your pregnancy journey.

How does acupuncture induce labor?

Acupuncture can help speed up your delivery in several ways. The first is by reducing muscle tension. When you’re pregnant, your musculoskeletal system changes to accommodate your growing baby. Your muscles stretch and contract, and can become quite uncomfortable over time. But acupuncture (and occasionally a good massage) helps keep muscle pain in check, while also supporting healthy muscle function.

Healthy muscle function isn’t just about staying comfortable, although that is a major benefit. When your muscles aren’t functioning properly, it’s harder for them to work together. Musculoskeletal dysfunction can delay your delivery date and significantly slow the labor process, so if you want to induce labor, keeping your muscles in good shape is a great start.

The increase in blood flow that acupuncture creates is also beneficial. Good circulation helps tone the uterus, so your contractions are more efficient during your labor. Acupuncture also triggers the release of oxytocin, which stimulates the uterus to contract and can speed up the delivery process.

Oxytocin plays such an important role in inducing labor that many hospitals use it to help women begin childbirth. But oxytocin is far more effective at inducing labor once the cervix has ripened. Fortunately, acupuncture can help with that, too. Acupuncture is used to soften and dilate the cervix to prepare the body for labor and promote an efficient delivery.

When should you get acupuncture to induce labor?

We always advise our expecting mothers to schedule acupuncture sessions throughout their pregnancies to help their bodies adapt as their pregnancies progress and to prepare for on-time delivery. Regular acupuncture sessions are also important to keep pregnancy symptoms under control, especially as you enter your third trimester.

Routine acupuncture sessions throughout your pregnancy promote hormonal balance so you have a healthy pregnancy. During your third trimester, acupuncture is especially helpful for ripening the cervix, and even for keeping your baby in the right position, so you have an easier labor.

But even if you’ve never had acupuncture at any time during your pregnancy, one or two sessions close to your due date can help to induce labor. It’s just that effective! According to a study of women who were between 19 and -13 weeks pregnant, the average time from induction to delivery time was 13.1 hours. But, every woman is different, and you may need another session to prepare your body for childbirth.

No two pregnancies are alike. We’ll work with you to determine the best way to help hasten your delivery so you can finally welcome your little bundle of joy to the world. 

Can acupuncture help you recover after childbirth?

Once you’ve given birth, your pregnancy journey doesn’t stop there. After delivery, your body will need time, patience, and a good support protocol to recover. We encourage our new mothers to continue acupuncture treatments to help them get back on their feet after childbirth and to rebalance their hormones as they heal.

Acupuncture can help manage post-pregnancy symptoms by increasing circulation, fighting inflammation, and supporting healthy musculoskeletal function. Regular acupuncture sessions give your body the boost it needs to readjust after childbirth so you feel better faster.

It’s also worth noting that acupuncture can help with milk supply. It’s estimated that more than 50% of mothers struggle to produce enough milk for their newborns. Acupuncture has been shown to enhance breast milk supply naturally, enabling mothers to nurse their babies themselves rather than relying on formula alone.

In addition to acupuncture, we also advise our clients to practice “Zuo Yue Zi”. Also called the one-month sitting, this ancient practice focuses on supporting the body with sleep, rest, and nutritionally-dense foods. This practice is critical for adjusting to motherhood, fighting postpartum stress, and getting to know your baby. 

Get in touch with us today

If you’re a few days past your due date and starting to get a bit anxious, don’t panic. Acupuncture is a safe, effective treatment for inducing labor, so you can finally meet your new baby.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve worked with countless women as they make their way through their pregnancies. We’ll be there to support you, too, with an individualized plan that’s tailor-made to your unique needs.

Get in touch with us today to schedule an acupuncture session. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the process, and give you personalized care to make your delivery as easy as possible.

Acupuncture For Male Fertility

For many couples, getting pregnant isn’t as easy as one, two, three. If you and your partner are planning on expanding your family in the near future, it’s an exciting decision. But it can also be a stressful one, especially if you’ve struggled with infertility issues in the past. Acupuncture is the holistic treatment of choice for many women struggling to get pregnant. But acupuncture can be used to support men, too. If you want to do everything you can to support your reproductive health, here’s how acupuncture for male fertility can help.

Acupuncture increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, improving testicular function, as well as sperm quality and motility. Additionally, acupuncture works to balance hormones and reduce stress levels. 

Acupuncture enhances blood flow to the reproductive organs

One of the big reasons why so many men struggle with infertility and sexual dysfunction is simply because they have poor circulation. Inadequate blood flow to any part of the body means that part of the body can’t function properly. The concept is no different for the reproductive organs.

When we assess a client during an acupuncture session, we don’t just start sticking needles in. First, we look for underlying imbalances and blocked pathways that need a little help to restore the flow of energy. Identifying dysfunction allows us to use acupuncture to rebalance the body, mind, and soul. All of this also improves blood flow.

Once we’ve determined where your body needs help, we’ll insert needles into the correct corresponding points. The act of inserting the needle quickly stimulates circulation, resulting in a rush of blood flow to the surrounding area. Regular sessions improve blood flow throughout the body, ensuring your reproductive organs get all of the oxygen, hormones, and nutrients they need to function properly. 

Acupuncture supports healthy testicular function

Because it enhances blood flow to the reproductive organs, acupuncture significantly improves testicular function. But that’s not the only way that acupuncture can support testicular health. Acupuncture also exerts a potent effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT) axis, the biofeedback loop that controls male sexual function.

This dual effect that acupuncture has on the testicles results in improved sperm quality and motility. One study showed that men who received acupuncture had a greater concentration of healthy sperm than men who did not. If you and your partner are trying to get pregnant, improving testicular function is key!

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve had couples come to our clinic looking to improve their reproductive health together. In the same way that acupuncture enhances testicular function, it also improves ovulation. We’ve successfully treated women, including those who were told they were too old to conceive, get pregnant with the help of acupuncture.

Couples’ acupuncture treatments may not be what you’d call a romantic date night. But if your goal is to support your reproductive health and expand your family, it’s a great start!

Acupuncture supports healthy hormone levels

Let’s go back to the HPT axis for a moment. This biofeedback system is quite complex, and can easily become disrupted based on a variety of factors. Understanding that your HPT axis is dysfunctional is only part of the battle. It’s getting things back in order that’s the tricky part.

But why, exactly, is the HPT axis important? It all comes down to hormones. The hypothalamus detects how much testosterone is currently circulating in your bloodstream. If testosterone levels are too low, it sends a signal to the pituitary gland, which responds by ramping up luteinizing hormone (LH), which, in turn, tells the testicles to produce more testosterone.

Environmental stressors, a sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary choices, and exposure to endocrine disruptors found in common household items can all contribute to HPT axis dysfunction. Even though this sounds like a complicated problem (and, make no mistake, it can be!), acupuncture can help you right the ship and get your HPT axis back on course.

Acupuncture works on the endocrine system directly, normalizing HPT axis function by restoring healthy hormone levels. Regular acupuncture treatments raise testosterone levels and bring LH levels down, boosting your fertility naturally. 

Acupuncture reduces stress and supports general health

Stress is a libido killer, mostly because it causes testosterone levels to tank. But stress doesn’t just take a toll on your sex drive. The stress of everyday life, coupled with the stress of trying to conceive, can actually block conception entirely.

We’ve seen many women who weren’t able to conceive until they could take a moment to relax. A two-week vacation from work and, what do you know? They get pregnant. Often, it’s the same with men. Their fertility doesn’t improve until they get their stress levels under control.

Men who are under a lot of stress tend to have much poorer sperm counts, and the sperm they produce also tends to be of a lower quality. This is a one-two punch that can make conception extremely difficult, if not impossible.

The good news is that acupuncture is an excellent tool for reducing stress levels. Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins that regulate your mood and create a sense of well-being, making it much easier to cope with stress. This has a positive effect on your HPT axis, improving testosterone production and, of course, sperm quality.

Get in touch with Integrative Healing Arts today

Infertility is a multifaceted issue that can stem from a variety of underlying causes. Acupuncture can be used to support your fertility naturally, regardless of where the problem originates from. We love helping our clients overcome their fertility struggles and finally expand their families.

Although acupuncture is our main line of defense when it comes to correcting hormonal issues, we also utilize other holistic therapies. Depending on your circumstances, we may recommend herbal medicine blends, a stress management program, or other health and wellness strategies to enhance your reproductive health.

Get in touch with our clinic today to book your first appointment. At Integrative Healing Arts, we have the knowledge, expertise, and empathy to help you through your fertility struggles so you can make your dreams of having children come true.

What Are The Benefits Of Acupuncture For Fertility?

Some couples never think twice about their fertility. They get pregnant on their first try. But many men and women struggle with infertility which can make conception seem impossible. Infertility is a complex issue that can be caused by a variety of different factors. But at Integrative Healing Arts, we have yet to meet a client who didn’t benefit in some way from acupuncture sessions. Acupuncture is an all-natural treatment method that works with your body. It’s a simple way to support reproductive health. But just what are the benefits of acupuncture for fertility?

Acupuncture is useful for improving fertility in both men and women. Regular sessions normalize hormone levels, increase blood flow to the reproductive tract, and enhance sperm and egg quality. 

Acupuncture normalizes hormone levels in men and women

If you and your partner are trying for a baby, hidden hormonal imbalances may be sabotaging your efforts. Healthy hormone levels are a good indicator of fertility, so for men, that means optimizing testosterone levels, and for women, regulating menstrual cycles.

Of course, both of these tasks can be easier said than done. Stress from work and everyday responsibilities, combined with poor dietary and lifestyle choices, can throw your hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis off kilter. Certain health conditions can also influence fertility.

For instance, women who struggle with PCOS often have trouble conceiving on their own. Insulin resistance, as well as endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism, may also have a negative impact on your hormones. There are many factors at play when it comes to your hormone levels, and it can feel overwhelming at times. Fortunately, acupuncture can help you overcome them all and restore hormonal balance.

In women, acupuncture has long been used to regulate menstrual cycles by improving estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels. Men also benefit, as acupuncture reduces FSH and LH and increases testosterone. The result in both men and women is not only enhanced fertility but also improved sex drive.

Acupuncture improves egg and sperm quality

Acupuncture has the power to normalize hormone levels, and that will go a long way toward improving your fertility on its own. But another thing acupuncture does is improve circulation. By utilizing the correct pathways, the needles we place can direct more blood and energy to the reproductive tract, which supports healthy gonadal function.

Women who have undergone acupuncture treatments show an improvement in ovarian activity. For women who struggle to ovulate, acupuncture can be tremendously beneficial. Acupuncture treatments also result in improved egg quality and better endometrial receptiveness.

As for men, acupuncture significantly enhances blood flow to the testicles, which leads to an uptick in sperm production. The sperm of men who choose acupuncture treatments is also generally of a higher quality and has better motility than the sperm of men who do not undergo acupuncture.

Overall, acupuncture’s regulatory effects on hormones and the endocrine system in general, coupled with its ability to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, make it a useful tool for men and women dealing with infertility.

Acupuncture helps you manage stress levels

Stress. We all have it. Chances are, if you and your partner are trying to conceive, you’re feeling more stressed than ever before. And the more you try not to stress out, the more stressed out you feel. But, don’t sweat it — acupuncture’s got you covered once again!

Acupuncture has long been used to promote a sense of relaxation, and the way it works is twofold. First, as needles are inserted, they cause muscles to release tension. When we feel overwhelmed, we often unconsciously tense up our muscles. Acupuncture forces them to relax, so you can physically “loosen up”.

On top of this, acupuncture enhances the mood by altering your brain chemistry. Acupuncture is believed to trigger the release of endorphins and oxytocin. It also leads to an increase in serotonin activity in the brain. Both of these “happy” neurochemicals help to put you at ease, so it’s easier for you to handle stress and take things all in stride.

Whether you’re currently trying to get pregnant, are planning on expanding your family in the future, or are simply trying to improve your general health, it’s important to manage your stress levels. Acupuncture is perhaps the best holistic treatment for stress there ever was. Adding acupuncture to your stress management program is an excellent way to support your general wellness. 

Acupuncture has no negative side effects

If you’re dealing with infertility issues, it can be tempting to turn to pharmaceuticals to try to force your body into fertility. The medications your doctor suggested may hijack your biological processes and artificially enhance your fertility. But, often, these medications come with a laundry list of bad side effects.

Acupuncture, on the other hand, is completely safe. It’s non-invasive and does not cause side effects. Because it doesn’t cause residual symptoms, acupuncture has nothing but benefits to offer. It’s what we call supportive therapy. It helps your body help itself, encouraging each bodily system to function as it should without forcing anything.

Whether you choose to go with the Western medicine route to fertility is up to you. Either way, acupuncture can play an important role in your path to pregnancy. We’ve helped many couples restore and preserve their fertility with acupuncture alone. But we’ve also helped couples who use IVF/IUI conceive, too. We’re happy to work with you to figure out which method is just the right fit. 

Contact us today to get started

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve treated countless men and women for infertility issues. We have the experience and knowledge to help you and your partner achieve your fertility goals, whether you try to conceive naturally or with the help of IVF or IUI.

Every case is unique, and we believe in treating each individual accordingly. So, in addition to acupuncture, we often rely on other holistic therapies, including massage and herbal medicine, to meet every client’s needs.

Contact our clinic today to book your first appointment. We’ll work with you to create a customized treatment plan that will support your reproductive health.

When To Do Acupuncture For Fertility

Deciding you’re ready to try for a baby is exciting, but for some couples, conceiving can be a challenge. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have been used for centuries to improve fertility, and not just in women, but in men, too. If you’re ready to give acupuncture a go, you may be wondering when to do acupuncture for fertility. Ideally, you should begin sessions before trying to get pregnant. But, the truth is, there’s really no wrong time to start!

If you’re planning on getting pregnant in the future, acupuncture 6 to 12 months prior to conception is ideal to improve reproductive health. However, if you’re already trying, or are already pregnant, you can still benefit from acupuncture for fertility. 

When is the best time to get acupuncture for fertility?

When a woman comes into our clinic and tells us she’s planning to get pregnant, we recommend acupuncture sessions 6 to 12 months prior to attempting to conceive. This gives the body plenty of time to heal from any underlying hormonal imbalances. Acupuncture supports ovulation, regular menstrual cycles, ovarian reserve, and egg quality.

Planning on starting or expanding your family can be exciting, but let’s not pretend it can’t be stressful, too. Another reason why we recommend acupuncture far in advance of attempting to conceive is to mitigate stress. Stress hormones like cortisol can alter reproductive hormones, making it difficult to conceive and/or maintain a pregnancy

Of course, it’s never too early or too late to begin acupuncture. If you don’t plan on getting pregnant until 5 to 10 years in the future, it’s still a great idea to get acupuncture to maintain reproductive health. And if you’re already trying for a baby, or even if you’re already pregnant, acupuncture can support you throughout your fertility journey.

As for men struggling with infertility, we recommend a similar approach. Acupuncture 6 to 12 months before trying for a baby is a good rule of thumb. Acupuncture has been proven to improve blood flow to the reproductive organs and enhance testicular function, as well as sperm concentration and motility.  

How does acupuncture support IVF and IUI?

We’ve helped many couples who were told there was no way they would be able to get pregnant on their own conceive and welcome beautiful, healthy babies into their lives. Acupuncture is very therapeutic and very gentle, but it’s also very powerful. Regular sessions can restore fertility completely, even in women over 40.

But acupuncture can also be used alongside assisted fertility treatments, like IVF and IUI. In fact, numerous studies have shown that acupuncture can greatly enhance the success rates of these procedures.

IVF treatments can be stressful, to say nothing of costly, and the cost only adds to the stress of the whole thing. Many women must undergo several rounds of IVF treatments before falling pregnant, and it can be even more difficult for older mothers. But acupuncture has been found to enhance IVF treatment success simply because it’s so effective at managing stress.

Acupuncture is also an ideal supportive measure for IUI because it increases blood flow to the uterus, and prepares the endometrium for implantation. Basically, acupuncture makes your body more receptive to conception, whether you try to get pregnant on your own, or with the help of IVF and IUI.

Acupuncture can also be used throughout pregnancy

If you want to support your fertility, you can’t go wrong with acupuncture. It helps the body help itself, and its adaptogenic nature makes it a suitable treatment approach for a variety of infertility issues. We’ve used acupuncture to help women with PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, and other gynecological conditions conceive. And it can be just as effective for men.

We often advise our clients to continue acupuncture throughout their pregnancies, as well. Acupuncture is a safe, affordable, all-natural treatment for many of the annoying symptoms of pregnancy. Acupuncture can be used to ease morning sickness and to control food cravings. For women struggling with back and pelvic pain due to the pressure a growing child places on surrounding nerves, acupuncture can help with this, too. Acupuncture helps ease tense muscles, enabling them to relax and contract normally. This has the dual effect of toning the muscles in your reproductive tract, improving bladder control, and even helping the muscles prepare for childbirth. 

What else can you do to support fertility?

If you’ve been struggling with infertility for a while now, then you know just how frustrating it can be. Acupuncture is highly beneficial when it comes to boosting fertility. But, just to make sure all of your bases are covered, we may recommend additional therapies and/or lifestyle adjustments to help improve your chances of getting pregnant. 

Stress management is important here. We can’t emphasize that enough. Whether you start journaling or taking an hour-long walk every evening, it’s important that you take measures to keep stress levels under control. Getting 8 hours of sleep every night is equally important.

A healthy diet and regular exercise can also help mitigate stress by providing your body with the raw nutrients it needs to scavenge free radicals and dispose of them. Avoid restricting calories, and instead, focus on intuitive eating. Choose from a variety of fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and lean proteins — and don’t forget to include a few fertility superfoods to round out your diet. 

For some men and women struggling with infertility, we also recommend herbal medicine. Certain herbal blends can be used to rebalance hormones and correct underlying dysfunction. We offer this service on a case-by-case basis. Herbal medicine is powerful stuff, so never use herbs without the guidance of a professional herbalist. 

Contact our clinic today to learn more

Tired of struggling with infertility? Ready to take control of your health and finally get pregnant? Get in touch with us today to learn more about how acupuncture can help you.

At Integrative Healing Arts, one of the most rewarding aspects of what we do is seeing couples conceive and fulfill their dreams of having a baby.

If you’re ready to begin your path to pregnancy, we’re ready to go on that journey with you. Schedule your appointment today to get started!

Acupuncture For Increased Fertility Success Rates

You and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for quite a while now, and it seems like it’s just not in the cards for you. Infertility is a major struggle for many couples, and the stress that comes with it can make it even more difficult to get pregnant, creating a vicious cycle. Acupuncture has been used for centuries to support reproductive health, and we’ve seen firsthand how effective it is at restoring fertility. But just how does acupuncture boost fertility success rates?

Acupuncture sessions enhance fertility by increasing circulation to the ovaries and testes, thereby improving function. Additionally, acupuncture prepares the endometrium for implantation, making it especially useful for IVF and IUI treatment success.

Does acupuncture improve fertility success rates?

Acupuncture has proven to be effective at improving fertility success rates, even in mothers who were told they were too old to get pregnant naturally. We’ve seen countless women who were told there was no hope finally get pregnant after a round of acupuncture sessions.

One of the reasons why acupuncture is so good at enhancing fertility is because it supports healthy menstrual cycles. This means better hormone levels and normal ovulation, both of which are essential for conception.

The regulatory effect that acupuncture has on female hormones and reproductive health in general leads to an increase in fertility success rates. This benefit extends even to women who struggle with hormonal disorders, like PCOS

Acupuncture enhances success rates in IVF and IUI treatments

Assisted reproduction has been a medical breakthrough, allowing many women to finally conceive and give birth. Acupuncture is safe and free of negative side effects, which makes it a suitable supportive therapy that can be used alongside IVF and IUI treatments.

In a study, acupuncture was found to increase IVF success rates by up to 65%. Women who participated in the study received acupuncture within a day or two of embryo transfer.

The increase in fertility rate is believed to be due to the better blood flow to the reproductive tract, as well as the significant reduction in stress that acupuncture provides, which naturally makes the body more receptive to conception.

Acupuncture is effective in increasing IUI success rates as well. By improving the quality and thickness of the endometrium and supporting uterine tone, acupuncture prepares the body for implantation.

But acupuncture doesn't just boost your chances of getting pregnant with assisted reproductive therapies. Regular acupuncture treatments have been associated with an improved rate of pregnancy and live birth. So not only will acupuncture make you more likely to conceive early on in your IVF/IUI treatments, but it also has the ability to enhance your chances of carrying a baby to term.

What makes acupuncture so great at enhancing fertility?

Infertility isn’t necessarily a concrete diagnosis. Your fertility levels can change based on your dietary and lifestyle choices, and, especially, your stress levels. Often, men and women experience transient infertility that is the result of underlying hormonal imbalances or poor blood flow to the reproductive organs. Restoring fertility is a matter of correcting these underlying issues.

Acupuncture is highly beneficial when it comes to treating infertility because it works on multiple fronts. First, it helps alleviate stress. This alone is enough to help many men and women overcome their infertility struggles. But, on top of that, acupuncture also has a normalizing effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, improving hormone levels and enhancing ovarian function and testicular function.

Acupuncture also stimulates better blood flow to the reproductive organs. And, this, too, supports reproductive health by enhancing egg quality in women and sperm quality and motility in men. All of these factors in combination make acupuncture a powerhouse for restoring fertility.

For best results, we advise our clients to begin acupuncture treatments 6 to 12 months prior to trying to conceive. This way, your body has plenty of time to sort things out and get ready for reproduction. Acupuncture has a cumulative effect, so the more treatments you have under your belt before trying for a baby, the better your fertility will be, and the higher your chances of a successful pregnancy. 

Using holistic medicine to support reproductive health

When a client comes into our clinic looking to enhance their fertility, acupuncture is our go-to treatment. But it’s hardly the only option. We make use of a variety of holistic medicines and therapies to enhance an individual’s reproductive health based on their unique bodily needs.

In many cases, herbal medicine is advised. Certain herbal blends work with the body to address underlying concerns and bring the body, mind, and spirit back into alignment. Used in the correct doses and for the right amount of time, herbal medicinal blends can work wonders for improving pregnancy rates — but herbal medicine should only be used under the guidance of an expert herbalist.

Stress management is also paramount, especially if you’re undergoing IVF or IUI. High stress can block conception, so getting a full 8 hours of sleep every night, and taking additional measures to keep your stress under control, are essential. If you know you need to rein in stress, but you’re not sure where to start, we’ll help you come up with a strategy that works for you.

Using a combination of holistic therapies will give your body the support it needs to restore fertility. Remember, the body always wants to heal itself. When you give it what it needs to get better, in most cases, it can handle the rest on its own. 

Contact Integrative Healing Arts today!

Whether you’re hoping to get pregnant naturally, or are planning to undergo IVF or IUI treatments in the future, you can get started with acupuncture today.

Get in touch with our clinic to learn more about how acupuncture can help you as you embark on your fertility journey.

At Integrative Healing Arts, helping couples get pregnant is one of the highlights of our job. We’ll be there to offer you the guidance and support you need as you work your way toward attaining the baby of your dreams.